Charles Lowell, Jeffrey Cherewaty, Jorge Lainfiesta, Robbie Pitts, Taras Mankovski — April 30, 2020
Flakiness: one of the biggest pain-points of any test suite. From app complexity to incident management, we explore some of the most common causes of unreliable tests.
Read articleTaras Mankovski — April 15, 2020
A good Pull Request description can lead to better reviews, improved solutions, better documentation, and more. In this article, Taras surveys seven big wins of PR descriptions.
Read articleCharles Lowell, Jeffrey Cherewaty, Jorge Lainfiesta, Robbie Pitts, Taras Mankovski — April 06, 2020
Speed, reliability, and relevance constitute the mains pillars of a robust testing strategy. The faster a test suite can diagnose an issue in its application, the more value it renders. In this article, we navigate through the most significant causes of slow tests and suggest ideas to deal with them.
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Taras Mankovski — December 11, 2019
More and more teams are using Bluetooth for innovative products, but developing UIs for connected devices can be challenging: limited physical devices slow down development and make it nearly impossible to keep up a strong test suite. Our solution is simulation and Open Source power.
Read articleTaras Mankovski — November 06, 2018
If you use React, you probably know about the React Hooks RFC that was introduced at ReactConf. It’s an exciting proposal because it promises to bring the power of class components to function components. It also a convention for creating React extensions that feel like first-class APIs in the React ecosystem. React Hooks API and Microstates bring expressiveness of React function components to a whole new level.
Read articleCharles Lowell — September 18, 2018
Object.assign is just a special case of a universal concept in functional programming. By opting to use a universal function to back this universal concept, you can inherit all kinds of awesome for free.
Read articleElrick Ryan — August 09, 2018
Learning Kubernetes, especially with no background in Ops, is challenging but full of reward. This will take you along the journey of our k8s enlightenment and deployment
Read articleRobert DeLuca — August 05, 2018
JSConfUS is back after a three-year hiatus and Robert had the chance to attend. He covers his favorite talks he saw while there!
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