Taras Mankovski — February 18, 2021
Upgrading your application stack to new major versions can be terrifying, especially when you have a massive application with 75 developers working on features non-stop. However, a good testing strategy gives you confidence to make bold moves that take your organization to heretofore unexplored lands.
Read articleMin Kim — January 29, 2021
Kubernetes is on the rise and having it in your toolkit can get you a long way. In this article, Min shows us how to set up a MicoK8s in your local machine.
Read articleVarya Stepanova — January 15, 2021
Design tokens are used to keep a consistent look across an entire system. How do you name them semantically if they have to make sense everywhere but also respond to the inner logic of individual components which are independently developed?
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Jorge Lainfiesta — December 11, 2020
As generic default branch names like `master` for Git repos have gone out of fashion, possibilities emerge for more effective and informative naming conventions. Learn about the branch naming strategy Frontside uses for our Open Source libraries and how we name app project branches.
Read articleMin Kim — August 31, 2020
MirageJS ships with four out-of-the-box serializers. In this blog post, we overview the basics of serializers in Mirage, and examine in detail the specific format of each JSON API, Active Model, Rest and generic serializers.
Read articleCharles Lowell and Jorge Lainfiesta — July 29, 2020
Decoupling front-end and mobile teams from the back-end makes organizations more effective. In this article we explain why using simulation is an ideal strategy for this purpose, and present important considerations for adopting such practices.
Read articleJonas Niklas — July 16, 2020
To prevent flaky tests, BigTest introduces the Interactor API, designed around the lessons learned in Capybara. This article introduces the benefits of Interactors in BigTest and how to use them to write reliable tests.
Read articleMin Kim — May 26, 2020
We have put together specific behaviors and information that you’ll need to use pull_request as a trigger for your Github Actions workflow.
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