Robert DeLuca — July 14, 2018
WCAG 2.1 has officially been put in place as a standard but what does that mean? What was added? How does this impact my site or app? In this post we break down everything new in WCAG 2.1 and put in simple terms so you can walk away armed with the knowledge of making your site more accessibile.
Read articleCharles Lowell — July 03, 2018
Once you know that they're there, Functors pop up in all kinds of surprising places. Here we take a simple exploration of how the JavaScript async function construct is actually a Functor and how we can use that for great good.
Read articleWil Wilsman — June 13, 2018
When we write and develop our applications, it's with the intent that somebody will use it. We write tests so we can be assured that everything in our app works as expected and is bug free. But how confident are you in your tests?
Read articleReceive a monthly curation of resources about testing, design systems, CI/CD, and anything that makes developing at scale easier.
Robert DeLuca — April 30, 2018
Slack communities for open source projects have become very popular over the past couple years. Slack has taken hold because it makes collaborative chat really easy and accessible for the masses. Something IRC wasn’t able to achieve.
Read articleCharles Lowell — February 19, 2018
Functional programming with typeclasses rooted in category theory may seem like some esoteric practice reserved for the truly pointy-haired. But guess what? You do it every day.
Read articleJeffrey Cherewaty — December 29, 2017
Design systems have become an effective way to maintain consistency and improve feature delivery time. What can developers on smaller teams do to apply design system concepts?
Read articleElrick Ryan, Ginger Whalen, Joe LaSala — August 04, 2017
Staying healthy is a lot of work. Maybe you hit the treadmill before going into the office, and then on the way home you pick up some organic groceries. But be honest, you probably don't. Thankfully, maintaining your web application's build health is much easier, and the rewards can be huge! Take a few minutes to check your build health today: you might regret it if you don't.
Read articleCharles Lowell — June 01, 2017
JavaScript decorators are coming, but what are the class of problems which they're useful for? In this brief tour of decorators, we'll try to answer that question by contrasting them with comparable technology from other languages.
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